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Bewitching the Beast Page 28

  ~ ~ ~

  “I hope Kade likes Big Macs.” Tess opened the McDonald’s bag and took a sniff. Mmmm, cheese, special sauce, and meat patties. She should have bought one for herself. Would have been better than the sip of coffee she’d had, fresh from the little pot in their room. The bitter taste was going to stick with her all day. Was there a hotel out there that provided good coffee?

  Ethan opened his mouth, no doubt to remind her that Kade couldn’t possibly still be in his apartment, but he closed it again. On the off chance Kade was their prisoner, he wasn’t going to starve, not on her watch.

  They rounded the corner and merged into pedestrian traffic on Kade’s street. Ethan slowed his pace and stared ahead. Oh no. Police cars were parked in front of Kade’s apartment building. This couldn’t be good. A handful of people stood off to the side watching the police come and go. Tess sidled up to the group. “What’s going on?”

  A girl in a navy NYU sweatshirt hugged herself. “They found a dead woman hidden in a closet in one of the apartments.” She shook her head. “This seems so surreal. How could something like this happen here?”

  Tess’s stomach pitched as the memory of the cleaning lady’s lifeless face popped into her head. Ethan took her hand and gave it a squeeze. The gesture was so sweet, she barely resisted the temptation to squeeze back.

  “Did you know her?” he asked.

  “Yes,” the girl answered, her face pasty white. “Irene cleaned apartments for a living. No one had seen her in a while.” Her face scrunched. “They found her because of the smell.”

  Eww. Tess’s insides lurched. She remembered the odor. Slow breaths, Tess. Need to keep your cool. “Did they find anything else unusual in the apartment?” Like a beast tied to a chair.

  The girl’s expression turned curious. “Not that I know of.”

  “Did they catch the one who did it?” Tess threw out there, just to be clear.

  “No. Are you a reporter?”

  Tess tensed. “Mhmm.”

  Ethan tugged on Tess’s hand, leading her away.

  “What do we do now?” Tess murmured.

  “We practice the spell you’ve been working on all morning.” Ethan wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Kade’s on the loose and searching for us. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  Oh hell. His protective warmth felt so good she leaned into him. Damn, she was weak. “So where do we conduct our experiment?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. We’ll want someplace deserted, somewhere we can avoid attracting attention. How are you going to protect yourself while the amulet is doing its thing?”

  She shrugged. “I’ll enclose myself in a sacred circle and stay in it this time. It kept The Beast out before.”

  “Good plan. We’ll also need a wide-open space for when the bad luck hits.” He squeezed her hand. “I know the perfect place, but we’ll need to wait until after dark.”

  When the bad luck hits. She didn’t want to think about it. The McDonald’s bag crinkled in her hand. Somehow she wasn’t hungry any more.

  Chapter 22

  This was it, the moment Ethan waited a year for. Freedom. He’d either get rid of The Beast or die. Either one would do. No, that was a lie. Since he’d met Tess, living had become more important, more enjoyable. He shouldn’t dream of a life with Tess, but somehow that fantasy had worked its way into his head.

  Ethan leaned against a concrete pillar and took a steadying breath. He surveyed the unfinished parking ramp—open space, deserted, a few stories up to avoid the possibility of an audience . . . the best place he could think of. But would Tess be safe? The sacred circle hadn’t protected her mother. Dammit. If only he could do this alone.

  City lights penetrated the shadows inside the ramp, illuminating all but the darkest corners. In the center of the floor, Tess knelt over the amulet. Four candles glowed in a circle around her, casting an ethereal light, making her blonde hair shimmer from the flickering flames. A thermos of her mother’s protective tea sat beside her.

  Although only minutes had passed since she began her spell, energy like static gathered around them. She lifted the necklace high above her head, the green stone winking in the light.

  “I call upon Isis as my guide.

  Our joint power the beasts must abide.

  Their energy we will soon expel.

  So, on this jewel I cast my spell.

  Once the amulet is on the beast,

  All his energy will be released.

  Until the beast is in his domain,

  No host or beast can remove this chain.”

  Tess stood and stepped toward him. He met her halfway and took the amulet, its weight substantial. A shiver rippled across his skin as his energy began to dissipate into the universe. “It’s working.”

  “It is?”

  He smiled. “I knew it would.”

  A mixture of pride and fear glistened in her eyes.

  Ethan opened his mouth, but words of reassurance faded. Who was he kidding? This could turn out badly. He looped the amulet over his head and let the stone fall to his chest. “Promise me you’ll give this thing time to work. Don’t take it off no matter what I say or do, no matter what happens.”

  Tess nodded, although worry marred her features.

  He brushed away a lock of her hair and lowered his mouth to her cool, soft lips. Tess’s breath quavered, and he gathered her close, holding her one last time.

  She threw her arms around his neck. “Maybe we should wait.”

  “For what? The Beast is already too strong, and he wants our baby.” He pulled back. “Go now. Protect yourself.”

  Once she turned around and walked back to the candles, he let out a shaky exhale. The gem was pinned to his chest, latching on like a living thing, and a chill spread from his breastbone where it clung. Ethan stretched his neck and looked up at the ceiling lined with sprinkler pipes. The Beast would soon be gone. He just needed to get through this. A growl erupted in his head. His gaze flew to Tess. Her aura blinded him as she dragged the tip of her jeweled knife along the cement, muttering the spell her mother had taught her. A glowing dome rose up to surround her.

  Safe inside her sacred circle, Tess stared into Ethan’s eyes. In the center of the open parking lot, she looked so small, a lone woman caught in the midst of a war. What he wouldn’t give to get her the hell out of here. Other than the knife clutched in her hand, she had nothing to fight with, except her magic and a mirror, brought only because Isis may have used one in the cave. How, neither of them had any idea. Shit. Ethan held in a groan as icy tendrils snaked down his spine, and a rumble of discontent sprang from his chest.

  A surge of heat fought the cold inside him, but the gem’s draw didn’t lessen. Energy evaporated from him like sweat, sending a chill deep into his bones. The growling grew louder. He turned away from Tess. Pressure pounded in his head, and snarling blocked out all other sounds. Clamping his hands over his ears, he fought to hold back The Beast.

  An icy gust of wind amplified the cold he felt within. His clawed hand moved of its own accord to his chest. The Beast pawed at the gem. Must tear it off. The stone wouldn’t move no matter how hard he yanked. “Off. Off!”

  Lightning flashed, and sleet pelted down. His energy pouring out of him, bad luck was hitting hard and fast. The wind threw ice pellets across the floor. He staggered toward the glowing dome, the candles already snuffed by the building storm. He remembered. From before. The impenetrable wall that surrounded her. Its prickly energy repelled him, and he stopped. “Off,” he yelled. “Remove this.”

  Tess’s pale face crumpled. “I can’t.”

  Thunder echoed around them, and the wind swirled wet snow through the air.

  His branded palm rose. The urge to lash out overwhelmed him. No. Protect Tess.
He grabbed his hand, clasping it to his chest, and forced himself to turn away. Lightning struck. The air crackled, and thunder boomed. A sizzle streaked inside the walls. Bulbs popped in quick succession, and a wire attached to the ceiling snapped free. It dangled low overhead. Sparks shot from the exposed metal, raining down on him.

  “Ethan,” Tess screamed.

  He ducked away from the fireworks and skidded on the slippery floor. He landed on his side, his ribs taking the brunt of the fall. Heat rolled out of him in waves, and the cold swept through his body. With a bellow of rage, The Beast broke Ethan’s hold and thrust out his hand. “Take this off me!”

  Power shot from his palm toward the woman who would bear his young. The force knocked her to the ground, sending the candles and thermos flying. Not enough power. The dome remained intact, with the woman protected inside. Another pulse emanated from his palm. This one weaker. The Beast’s brain waves reached out. Must control her. But the brew she’d drank earlier protected her from his trance.

  He crumpled forward, his power ebbing. The Beast roared as he struggled within death’s cold grip, while the woman knelt on the floor mere feet from him, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  ~ ~ ~

  Tess shivered and huddled inside her coat. The force of the storm picked up. Lightning struck so close she flinched.

  Please let this be the right thing to do. What if the gem killed both Ethan and The Beast? A sob rose in her throat, and she wrung her hands. Ethan had asked her not to remove the amulet. He trusted her. She wouldn’t let him down.

  The door to the stairwell slammed opened, and Kade lunged toward Ethan.

  Tess gasped. “Not good. Not good.”

  Kade bent down and reached for the gem but stopped short of touching the stone. Emitting a hiss, he clenched his hand into a fist and rose. He faced her, the scales along his face hidden in the shadows. “You will not kill our kind. Remove this from him.”

  “No.” She grabbed the athame beside her. It may be meant for rituals and spells, but it was a knife after all. Despite the cold cement, she stayed close to the floor. Standing seemed stupid. The Beast had knocked her down once. She wouldn’t give Kade the same opportunity.

  Kade approached with a sneer on his lips. “You will do as I command.” His raspy voice and bold confidence sent a prickling of fear over her skin. As he neared, confusion registered on his features. He tested the sacred circle’s wall and drew back with a glare. “This will not protect you.” Stepping away a few paces, he raised his hand, and his palm blazed red.

  Oh crap. She stretched out on the floor and braced herself. A blast of raw power hit her full on. She flew through the air, smacking against a cement pillar outside of the circle’s protection. Pain shot up her spine as she fell to the floor, and all her breath wheezed from her lungs. The athame clattered to the cement and slid several feet away. Dazed, Tess watched Kade come for her. Light touched his face. The black scales along his cheek glistened. He was feet away when an arm wrapped around him and yanked him back. With ease, he broke free from Ethan’s embrace and hurled him to the far wall of the parking garage.

  Tess screamed as Ethan smashed against the concrete and dropped to the floor. Lightning flared bright, followed by a rumble of thunder and the creak of metal above them. A low whine of bending steel gave a second’s warning before the crash that followed. The building shook from the impact. Cracks appeared in portions of the walls. The crane above must have fallen.

  Kade turned to Tess, a glint of hatred in his green eyes. “Remove the amulet or die.”

  Tess scrambled from the floor and raced for the knife. She didn’t get far. A force snatched her leg. She toppled forward. Her hands slapped the cement, and her chin bounced off the ground.

  Using his powers, Kade dragged her back. She struggled to free herself, but it was no use. Once she was within arm’s reach, he hauled her up and slammed her against the pillar. “You will do as I say.”

  She kicked out. The blows glanced off him. “I won’t,” she gritted out, her adrenaline kicking into high gear.

  “You will.” He knocked her head against the pillar. Pain exploded at the back of her skull. Looking down at her belly, his eyes brightened. “You’ll do as I ask, or I’ll use you in another way.” He lowered his hand to her abdomen. “Your child will become one of us.”

  My baby. No. “Stop. I’ll do it. I’ll take the amulet off him.”

  His smile savage, Kade jerked Tess from the pillar and dragged her to where Ethan lay, tossing her to the floor. “Do it now.”

  She landed hard on her knees. “Ethan.” Tess took his face in her hands. A bruise darkened his jaw. “Are you okay?” She couldn’t lose him. Her heart squeezed tight. “Please talk to me.”

  Ethan moaned. When he opened his eyes, they were blue.

  How was it possible? “Is The Beast gone?” she whispered.

  “No, not yet.” He grimaced. “You brought me back from the brink. The tingling from your fingertips.”

  “I did?” But she hadn’t even tried. She’d only wanted to save Ethan so damn bad, like she’d done when they’d been in Kade’s apartment. My God. Her power worked when it came from the heart, to save someone she loved.

  She lifted the amulet from around his neck and eased it over his head.

  He grabbed her hand. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to keep Kade from changing our baby into a monster.”

  “You need to get out of here. Kade is going to kill you no matter what you do.” He brushed his thumb over the back of her hand. “I’m too weak to fight him.”

  “I’ll give you my energy.”

  “The gem has been draining you too. Your aura has been dimming this entire time.”

  Great. Another spell gone wrong. “Then take what I have left.”

  Kade stepped closer, but not too close to the energy-draining gem. “What’s taking so long?”

  Tess hid the amulet from his view. “It’s stuck. I almost have it.”

  Ethan squeezed her hand. “I’m going to let The Beast take over.”

  “What?” Panic seized her.

  “It’s the only way. If I stop fighting The Beast and give in, he’ll be stronger. He’ll protect you.”

  “Ethan, no. You can’t. Not for me.” The love in his eyes stole her breath.

  “I’ve made up my mind,” he insisted.

  “No. Don’t. This is what Kade wants.”

  Ethan’s eyes dulled as if he willed himself away, and his hand dropped from hers.

  Tears clogged her throat. “Ethan.”

  After several even breaths, he relaxed into the floor and exhaled long and low.

  “What’s happening?” Kade demanded.

  “I’ve got it.” Trembling, Tess stood, the jewel dangling from her fingers. She glanced down at Ethan, so still at her feet. She’d rather die than lose him.

  “Walk away from him.”

  She raised her chin. If Kade liked the feel of the gem at a distance, he’d love it up close. Tess held out the amulet in front of her, and his eyes widened. Ha.

  He swiped his glowing hand and sent the amulet flying from her grasp. Oh. So much for that.

  Someone seized the nape of her neck. She stiffened. Ethan? A throbbing pain seared through her head. She shrieked and crumpled to her knees. Through the tears flooding her eyes, she saw Kade’s smirk.

  “That’s enough,” a guttural voice murmured from behind her. The voice barely sounded like Ethan anymore.

  The hand released her, and she fell in a heap, her head pounding.

  Kade’s footsteps drew nearer. “I’ll finish her if you won’t. She has energy left.”

  “Don’t touch her.” The Beast raced past and shoved Kade, sending him flying into the glass wall surrounding the e

  Kade scowled and slid to the floor, a web of broken glass in his wake. “Stop this.” He rose to his feet as if the blow had been only a nuisance. “Let us dispose of this woman and leave. We don’t need her. There are better, less conspicuous ways to reproduce than to use a child in the womb.”

  “The woman and her child will live,” The Beast vowed.

  “Then you leave me with no choice.” Kade growled and vaulted himself at The Beast.

  Bracing himself, The Beast reached out. Their bodies collided full force, and they flew into an outer wall. Sleet pelted them as Kade punched The Beast in the midsection, doubling him over. She needed to help him. Ethan was still in his body somewhere. He had to be.

  A drip of water plopped onto Tess’s head, followed by another. She gazed up at the leaking sprinkler pipe in time to see it give way. Before she could move, the pipe smashed into her temple. The world spun for a moment as water gushed from the broken water line, drenching her.

  Shivering against the cold wind blasting through the parking garage, she lurched to her feet, struggling to find her balance. When she pulled her hand away from her head, blood covered her palm. Wobbling, she fell to her knees. Her body ached all over. She pushed herself up only to collapse back down, sick to her stomach. The baby? Please Lord, protect my baby. From the corner of her eye, she could see the amulet, if she could just get there. She crawled along the frozen floor toward the gem. Blood trickled into her eye, blurring her vision. Her fingers caught on the mirror. She scooped it up, only God knew why. She had no idea how it could possibly help. Tess crept to the amulet, her fingers raking the chain from the floor. She turned toward the struggle. The men fought like animals, clawing into each other’s flesh.